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Health care products and health care packaging

Nov 25 , 2019

Health care products have the function of regulating human body and are suitable for specific people without the purpose of treating diseases. The health care function of health food is gradually accepted by the majority of users in today's society.

Health foods have food properties, such as tea, wine, bee products, drinks, soups, fresh juices, medicated diets, etc., with color, fragrance, shape and quality requirements, generally no dose requirements. With the increasing number of obese people in recent years, the adoption of food control diseases has gradually become a new trend of fitness and health.

Health care products and health care  packaging

health care packaging

Health food can not be directly used to treat diseases, it is a human body mechanism regulator and nutritional supplement. The medicine is used directly to treat the disease.

There are many nutrients needed by the human body, such as water, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc. Nutritional products are generally rich in these nutrients, which are suitable for everyone. For example, milk is rich in protein, fat and calcium. Its nutritional value is high and everyone is suitable for drinking. The health food is a food that has a specific health function and is only suitable for a specific group of people, and its nutritional value is not necessarily high. Therefore, the various nutrients the body needs are still obtained from three meals a day.

Of course, health care products are better in some aspects. Health care products can obtain more than the nutritional products in terms of fixed health care functions. The minerals of the human body are not balanced, so in some aspects health care products have a greater advantage.

The packaging used in health care products is mainly made of high-barrier materials, mostly plastics. Its main function is protection, and it can also meet the requirements of aesthetics. Most health care products manufacturers require their packaging to reach a higher level and gradually align with pharmaceutical packaging. There are also some health care products that have certain requirements for moisture protection. Most of these are candy tablets. More of these health care products are mature products with moisture-proof packaging.

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